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Boating Ontario Conference


The Boating Ontario Association represents over 500 marina operators, boat dealers, brokers, and suppliers in Ontario's diverse recreational boating industry. The recreational boating industry in Ontario represents over 30,000 jobs and $4 billion in economic impact. Our annual conference provides you with endless opportunities to network, share ideas, further your knowledge and learn from industry experts. The conference program focuses on boating industry priorities identified by the members of the Boating Ontario Association and attracts industry leaders and key decision-makers from across the province.

Find out about this year's conference!


What are others saying about the Boating Ontario Conference?




"Skeptical about the Niagara venue but it was fantastic. Please hold it here again. It's been a few years since I've been to the conference and was glad I went. Congratulations on a well run program."

"One of the best and well run conferences I've attended! Well done!"


The Boating Ontario Awards of Excellence are a celebration of success and an opportunity to recognize those who have made or continue to make significant contributions to Ontario’s recreational boating industry. These prestigious awards are presented to organizations, businesses, and individuals that demonstrate outstanding contributions to recreational boating in Ontario.

There are four distinct Boating Ontario Awards of Excellence:

  1. W. J. Robertson Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of and appreciation for the Boating Ontario Association.   
  2. Gord Blake Visionary Award recognizes an individual or business who have made a significant contribution in the field of innovation or successfully leveraged an opportunity for visionary leadership within the boating industry.
  3. Robert Eaton Environmental Award celebrates individuals and businesses who are dedicated to environmental responsibility and stewardship while contributing their time and resources to advancing their efforts in the Boating Ontario Clean Marine program.
  4. President’s Award recognizes an individual who strives for excellence and whose passion creates positive long-term impact to the boating industry.



Congratulations to the 2021 recipients!


W.J. Roberston Award

Jan Holland, Marina Del Rey


Gord Blake Visionary Award

Dave Rozycki, Maple Leaf Marinas


Robert J. Eaton Environmental Award

Jeff Wilcox, (Retired) Clean Marine


President's Award

Tim Kennedy, (Retired) Yamaha Motor Canada

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  Refer a member and receive 10% off your Boating Ontario Conference Registration

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888-547-6662 or email

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